Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 12 - K' Inspiration

I say goodbye to Kester, and take the Ocean route bus recommended by the old couple I met yesterday. The bus ticket is more expensive than the train ticket but indeed, the scenery along the journey is breathtaking. Halfway on the bus, I check on my hostel address, located at DuLan, No, I'm not swearing in Hokkien, it really is DuLAn, it’s out of TaiTung city but still within TaiTung province.

Immediately, I check with the bus driver and realize the ocean route I’ve taken stop right in front of the town. Thankfully, if not, I’ve to take another bus from the train station to DuLan.

Both the hostel owner is not in so the kind occupants let me in instead. The kind occupants which turn out to be Ah Zhi and Lin Wei together with their cute son, Piter are such good company to hang out with. Ah Zhi is a Sita player, fantastic player escaping the city for the weekend just to practice his Sita.

BPDog hostel is amazing, I feel like I’m in Malaysia, It is very Kampong, yet the interior is bright and cheerful, kind of like Southern American, the illustrations on the wall is quirky and witty! I then dropped and ensue to discover DuLan. It really is a small serene little town with population of 500. Everyone knows everyone. I visited the prehistoric sight which is pretty disappointing after my long walk up the slope.

However, there is something Zen and artistic about this town which I later find out from my gracious hosts, Kai and party than nearby an abandoned sugar factory has converted into a creative avenue where artists, musician or bohemian thrive in. Later in the night, knowing Ah Zhi is an musician himself, when he asked if I want to visit Sugar factor, a café opens till midnight. I instantly jumped into his request. Even though it’s dark, I could roughly figure out what the buzz is all about. It’s chilled with like-minded, passionate and relaxed Taipei runaway from the city.

I was sitting with who knows Taiwan famous artist or composer, and when I started mumbling about a certain artist song; they immediately grab me and ask me for a song. As usual, I sang, and Ah Zhi with a guitar on his hand starts to provide the melody for the song I’m singing, they even compose a few tunes on the spot! Sugar factory indeed has a creative vibe; I even compose a few tunes myself.

When I first reached DuLan, I thought I’m in the wrong place but gladly it really is the right place I need to be in and I am certain I’m not mistaken ;)

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